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What do Tyumen residents do in the winter? They go for a swim! And not just into the ice hole, as you might think, but into thermal springs.
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It's like walking in the sky with the right angle! 😉
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In Bashkortostan, the smell of molasses seems to be frozen in the air. Every village house here has its apiary and the bees win prizes at international exhibitions.
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Kalmykia! The Khazar Khaganate stood on these lands, then the Golden Horde and, after its fall, the Crimean steppe Tatars and Oirats roamed this area. It was also here that the northern part of the Great Silk Road passed.
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One step and your foot goes under the water up to your ankles and then up to your knees. You feel something stopping you from going deeper - a crumpled “mattress” from grass and moss, but it also is about to break through and then you will sink down to your chest for sure. Every once in a while, you get out on a thick mossy island and begin to spring on it like on a trampoline. It feels strange: you try to jump up, but the moss is gripping your feet, not letting you go further.
Устремиться навстречу горизонту
The sun is already high in the sky and the Lago-Naki plateau is illuminated with a bright yellow light. It’s time to hit the road: leave the tent and go in different directions to experience as many things as possible!
Go for a walk with a furry friend
Remember the feeling from childhood when you were entrusted, for the first time in your life, to go for a walk with your dog all by yourself? That mix of being responsible for holding your dog on a leash and, at the same time, being excited, knowing that your four-legged friend is dragging you on an adventure!
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Many have heard, seen and read about the Altai Mountains… But is the most beautiful road in Russia really located there? We checked it out ourselves and can confirm it! 😊
A resort, a beach, and… a cauldron? Where did the cauldron come from? Currently, the beach in the small village of Yantarny attracts not only locals, but also the entire hipster bohemia of the country.
Северное сияние в Териберке
The solar wind waves one… two… three… Picture in the sky, freeze! That’s what you want to say when the sky above your head is filled with the lights of the Northern Lights. It will either flash, then go out, then take the form of a fantastic animal, then cover everything around with bizarre patterns, changing every second.