All the roles in this theater are played by HORSES!

Pavel Kuzmichev
The world's only equine theater incorporated in a museum operates in Moscow.

The third bell sounds, the lights dim and onto the stage - or rather into the show ring - trot the “actors”! They perform intricate stunts to music: Their different tricks fall within an overall storyline that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

The Equine Theater only opened in the Russian capital in early 2023: It operates as part of the Horse Museum at the Center for National Equestrian Traditions at the VDNKh exhibition park.

The top performers there are the ‘Russian Saddle’ and ‘Vladimir Heavy Draft’ breeds.

The smallest "star", meanwhile, is a European miniature horse by the name of Sheldon. He has already performed the lead role in the play titled 'History of One Friendship' about how a little horse becomes a celebrity performer.

Equine Theater artists Aida Gadzhimirzayeva and Vadim Kolodochkin work in the "freedom of horses" genre - they have the largest group in Russia performing in this style.

What it signifies is that their charges carry out all commands synchronously: rearing up on their hind legs, performing pirouettes and moving around the ring.

A unique trick can also be viewed at the Equine Theater: a horse jumping over a skipping rope!

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