Russian Cossacks in PAINTINGS of artists

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Among the Cossacks, there were not only brave warriors in the service of the tsar and the fatherland, but also cruel robbers and rebels. You will see both in this collection of visually stunning paintings.

1. Vasily Surikov. The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak Timofeevich.

In 1581, Ataman Yermak, at the head of a large Cossack army, set out on a successful campaign against the Siberian Khanate, one of the fragments of the vanished huge Mongolian state. Although he himself died during the military campaign, he managed to open the road to Siberia for the Russian state.

2. Vasily Surikov. Stepan Razin.

For several years, Don Cossack Stepan Razin managed to keep the south of the Russian state in fear. The rebels captured, burned and plundered cities and executed boyars, tsarist officials and officers en masse. In 1671, the ataman was himself captured and executed.

3. Vasily Perov. Pugachev's Trial.

The uprising of Cossacks and peasants led by Don Cossack Yemelyan Pugachev in 1773-1775 became one of the largest and most brutal in the history of Russia. After the defeat of the rebels, their leader was brought to Moscow, where he was beheaded and quartered.

4. Wojciech Kossak. Battle of Zelentsy.

The battle took place during the Russo-Polish War of 1792. Both sides declared victory at the time.

5. Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret. Alexander I, after the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit, presents the Cossacks, Kalmyks and Bashkirs of his army to Napoleon.

Alexander I and Napoleon signed the Treaty of Tilsit on July 7, 1807, after the defeat of the Russian army in the Battle of Friedland. One of the terms of the agreement was Russia's accession to the continental blockade of England. Peace was in effect until the invasion of Bonaparte's ‘Great Army’ into the territory of the Russian Empire in 1812.

6. Viktor Mazurovsky. The Case of Cossack Platov near Mir, July 9, 1812.

At the very beginning of Napoleon's invasion of Russia, the Cossacks inflicted a heavy defeat on the Polish lancers of the ‘Great Army’ in the battle near the settlement of Mir. This was the first serious victory of the Russian troops over the enemy in that campaign.

7. Viktor Mazurovsky. Who will win? A duel between a Don Cossack and a Polish lancer.

8. Peter Edward Strawley (Peter Strehling). Portrait of Ataman Count M.I. Platov.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Ataman of the Don Cossack Army Mikhail Platov covered the retreat of the Russian armies, inflicting painful blows onto the French. Later, the Cossacks tirelessly pursued the remnants of the ‘Great Army’ during its flight from Russia and distinguished themselves during the military campaign in Europe in 1813-1814.

9. Michal Pawel Gorstkin-Wywiurski. Cossack scouts.

10. Bogdan Willewalde. The crossing of the 51st Don Cossack Regiment across the Tirsa River in 1849.

11. Vasily Grigorievich Perov. Cossack.

12. Franz Roubaud. Cossacks by a Mountain River

13. Hugo-Emil Backmanson. Cossack.

14. Victor Mazurovsky. To the Attack.

15. Felix Michal Wygrzywalski. Portrait of a Don Cossack.

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