Bashkortostan to start implementation of joint projects with India in 2018

Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov. Source: Alexander Ryumin/TASS

Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov. Source: Alexander Ryumin/TASS

The republic will cooperate with India in agriculture and manufacturing.

Joint projects between the Russian Republic of Bashkortostan and India will enter into the implementation phase in 2018, Rustem Khamitov, head of the republic, told TASS on Feb. 28.

Enterprises from the republic are actively cooperating with India in the manufacturing of aircraft engines and helicopters, Khamitov said, adding that India was a major partner of the republic.

Bashkortostan is counting on Indian investment in the agricultural sector, he said. The republic hopes to jointly produce plant-protecting agents that will be used instead of traditional pesticides, Khamitov said.

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