Russian Classes: Tricky Russian emphases Vol.2

"I’m crying for a bottle of temple"... wait, what?! The phrase should actually be: “I’m paying for a bottle of whiskey”, but if you got the accent of the words wrong, It’ll be nearly impossible to understand you!

When we preciously talked about the correct placement of Russian accents, I got a message from one of our readers:
“I got fooled by Икра. I thought my friend was talking about having a caviar massage on her aching legs, she meant massage on her calve muscles. Context is everything!"

  • Икра - calf muscle
  • икрА - caviar

Check out some other examples I have highlighted in this post!

Note that, in written Russian, one doesn’t place an accent over the letters, except in dictionaries and some children's books. Without them, it’s hard to figure out which part to stress, so be careful!

Incidentally, a caviar massage is actually a wonderful idea in women’s cosmetology... It’s really good for the skin!

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