Russian Classes: Instrumental case

Look how to use the instrumental case while going to the restaurant!


I know you love the topic, so let’s continue going to the restaurant together!

This time we'll cover the instrumental case. It indicates different meanings, but we’ll concentrate on two common usages: 1) To indicate an instrument or means of action 2) After the preposition ‘с’ ("together with").

For the masculine and neutral forms, the endings are ‘-ом/-ем’:

  • Чтобы перевести это предложение, воспользуйся словарём.
  • Use the dictionary to translate this sentence.
  • Давай закажем пирожки с мясом.
  • Let’s order pirozhki with meat.

For the feminine form, the endings are ‘-ой/-ей’:

  • Он ест кашу ложкой.
  • He eats porridge with a spoon.

And for the plural form, the endings are ‘-ами/-ями’:

  • Сегодня на ужин приготовлю рис с грибами.
  • Today I’ll cook rice with mushrooms for dinner.

‘Наличные’ ("cash") is used as a noun, but originally, it is an adjective. That’s why the ending is ‘-ыми’.

So much grammar today! If you’re still reading, you have my respect, and you're well on your way to mastering Russian!

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