Russian songs translated: ‘Oh, frost, frost!’ (Sing with us)

Kira Lisitskaya
This song is so widely known in Russia that it is considered to be ancient folk. People often sing it at gatherings and get-togethers. It’s a very Russian thing to “ask Frost” not to freeze you! And that's exactly what the song is about.

Try singing this very simple and melodious song with us. We’re sure you will like it! You will not only make progress in learning Russian, but also feel the movement of the Russian soul (we hope!).



Ой, мороз-мороз, не морозь меня,

Не морозь меня, моего коня.

Oh, frost-frost, don't freeze me

Don't freeze me nor my horse

Не морозь меня, моего коня,

Моего коня белогривого.

Don't freeze me, my horse,

My white-maned horse

Моего коня белогривого.

У меня жена, ох, ревнивая.

My white-maned horse.

My wife is, oh, so jealous

У меня жена, ох, красавица,

Ждет меня домой, ждёт-печалится.

My wife is, oh, so beautiful

She waits for me at home, waiting and sad

Как приду домой на закате дня,

Обниму жену, напою коня.

When I come home at sunset,

I’ll hug my wife and hydrate the horse.


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