Vladimir in 3 Russian words

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Vladimir is now just a small city near Moscow. But, it was once the capital of a powerful principality. Here are three of its main symbols.

1. ЗОЛОТЫЕ ВОРОТА (‘Golden Gate’)

This unique example of ancient Russian architecture of the 12th century is the most recognizable symbol of Vladimir. The gate served as the ceremonial entrance for the prince and his retinue to the richest, princely-boyar part of the city.

2. ВИШНЯ (‘Cherry’)

Monks brought this variety of cherry to Vladimir from the southern regions in the 16th century. At one time, the number of cherry orchards here reached 400 and a monument to this berry was even erected in the center of the city.

3. УСПЕНСКИЙ СОБОР (‘Dormition Cathedral’)

Built in the 12th century, the Dormition Cathedral (also known as the Assumption Cathedral)  served as the main temple of Rus' for a long time – Moscow and Vladimir princes were crowned there ahead of their reigns. In the cathedral, you can see unique frescoes by famous icon painter Andrei Rublev.

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