Russian Classes: Peter the Great and his passions

Hermitage Museum; Daniela Duncan, ATU Images, ArminStautBerlin, Svittlana/Getty Images
Would you like to get to know Russian Emperor Peter the Great better? Not as the ruler of a vast country, but as a human - with his own weaknesses and predilections. Of course, he loved his sea ships and Mother Russia, but let’s dig deeper!

  • Петр Первый любил играть в шашки и шахматы.
  • Peter the Great loved playing checkers and chess.
  • На завтрак император обожал есть перловую кашу.
  • The emperor loved to eat pearl barley porridge for breakfast.
  • Император предпочитал инжир, арбуз, дыню и цитрусовые.
  • The emperor favored figs, watermelon, melon and citrus fruits.

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