Stunning PHOTOS of Russia’s golden fall

Fall in Oranienbaum, another park in St. Petersburg’s suburbs

Fall in Oranienbaum, another park in St. Petersburg’s suburbs

Alexei Danichev/Sputnik
Before heavy colds and piercing wind, Russians face a miraculous, albeit usually short, golden fall, probably the most “instagrammable” time of the year. Here are some amazing photos that reveal this season’s true beauty!

Fall in the Altai mountains
Fall in Peterhof, a royal suburb outside St. Petersburg

Fall in Nizhny Novgorod, the city on the Volga River
Fall in St. Petersburg (The Nikolsky Naval cathedral)
Fall in a Russian forest
Fall in the cozy town of Plyos
Fall trees next to the Moscow State University
Fall on Moscow’s embankments
Fall in Suzdal, the Golden Ring touristic route gem
Fall in Kaliningrad
Fall on Kaliningrad’s Kant Island
Fall in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk
Fall leaves in the Russian Far East
Fall in the Karelian wooden architecture ensemble Kizhi
Fall in a Crimean park
Fall in Moscow’s Kuskovo estate

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