13 WEIRDEST job opportunities in Russia

alexsl, Anna Frank/Getty Images
Your dream job exists! You just need to dig it up from a multitude of job opportunities: perhaps, an ax throwing instructor or dog food sommelier is just what you have been looking for all this time.

1. Actor patient

A “fake sick person”, who has studied the entire list of human illnesses and can believably fake them, is wanted. And, while you’re at it – figure out if the doctor gave you the right diagnosis and prescribed the right treatment, if they properly talked to the patient or tried to pull off a ‘House M.D.’ impression. Not the simplest of tasks, but a brilliant opportunity to up your acting game and participate in exams in the role of a patient.

 2. Game master

A guru of board games, a master of plots and the sorcerer of that castle somewhere in the west – there’s nothing impossible for a true ‘game master’. At least, in the universe of board games. This is a dream opportunity for anyone over the age of 16  who loves board games (and can explain them), are ready to talk about different games and learn about new ones, as well as play in unexpected locations.

3. Mood enhancer

That’s even more interesting than the position of a ‘person responsible for romanticism’. A person who radiates joy and positive emotions will have to cheer up those who are on a losing streak and remind them that victory comes after loss, too. You’ll have to be ready for partying and be ready to support a social conversation about something pleasant.

4. Pillow tester

This is the position where “for sleeping at work you’re also paid handsomely”! Of course, an active person will probably not handle these responsibilities: fall asleep quickly, enter deep sleep and test pillows’ durability with the most savage methods – you can even try and chew them if that helps. Most importantly, you will then have to write a report and, if required, speak about your experiences at a press conference. Also, a candidate has to have a stable nervous system and, preferably, work experience as a stuntman. Perhaps, to defend against monsters under the bed – who knows?

5. Dog food sommelier

This is not a joke: Someone has to check the quality of what our pets are eating. This person has to explore all the important qualities: from the packaging and the shape of the dog food pellets or biscuits, their color, smell and taste. You will also need to compare food from different producers and create video reviews.

6. Raccoon cafe supervisor

Being constant heroes of YouTube videos, cute raccoons need the care of a responsible person. This person needs to feed their fluffy friends and clean after them, conduct excursions for the visitors of the cafe, and preserve the wellbeing of the animals. The main requirement is love for raccoons, but, it would seem, almost everyone fits this criteria.

7. Ax throwing instructor

A job for true vikings and wolfhounds of the Grey Hound Clan. However, you don’t actually need any experience in throwing weapons; a wish to learn this craft is enough – and then, instructing others and even holding tournaments. There are not a lot of requirements, really; the main ones are sharpening axes on time and replacing used targets. The workload is also not that big: 6-8 hour shifts and you’re paid by the hour: 250 rubles. And you won’t even need to bring your own ax! 

8. Footpath treader

For those who want to ditch a stuffy office, the position of a footpath treader could be a real treat! You can even move your entire company from the city to an eco-park and follow one another and tread footpaths, which would look perfectly realistic. Or – if you’re tired of company – you can pick an area and tread there all by yourself. This is shift work, so you don’t need any special experience.

9. Cocktail taster

A love for alcoholic beverages can also be monetized. For that, you need to taste no less than a dozen cocktails per evening, participate in experimental combination tastings and talk about your impressions (this is hard, but necessary!). And – not least – you will need to know how to sober up quickly!

10. Treasure keeper

These employers are ready to drive the person responsible for the safety of “attic treasures” and “signatures on magic manuscripts” to work in corporate transport, provide them with a uniform and free meals and even provide them with grocery coupons. And even if the fairy tale name hides the very prosaic position of a storekeeper, one can’t help but think of being tempted to read some magic manuscripts during working hours!

11. Ant keeper

Not just raccoons, but even ants need care! This really is only a job for those who are seriously interested in insects, who can provide them with proper living conditions and are ready to talk about them to other people.

12. Praiser

As a Russian saying goes: “Even a cat appreciates a kind word” and even more so do store visitors. This is a task for those who want to share their positive attitude towards life: to praise clients and give them compliments. A smile is mandatory. The employers are even ready to pay for psychology sessions, in order to make it easier to say niceties!

13. Friend

This happens, too: people are always looking for friends and heart-to-heart conversations. You know, like in this job ad: “You can also buy yourself a friend!” Just 400 rubles per hour. Why not? Even your cat can find itself a job – to be a fluffy cardboard box tester!

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