What makes Russian ice cream special

Russians' love for Morozhenoe is a noted aspect of Russian culture - it's as popular today as it’s always been. Take a video-trip to the Chistaya Liniya factory, one of Russia's leading ice cream producers.

The Chistaya Liniya factory outside Moscow is one of Russia's leading ice cream producers. This is where the life of a Russian choc-ice, cornet, frozen lolly or plain ice cream begins. Here, hundreds of thousands of liters of milk sit patiently until they are turned into a creamy mixture and slowly churned at a low temperature.

The factory, Chistaya Liniya, meaning Clean Line, has been working for over 10 years, and it's now one of the leading dairy producers in Russia. It manufactures over 150 tons of milk a day, and makes more than 100 tons of ice cream. Today there are about 300 ice cream makers in Russia, and this company in the Moscow region set up shop in the frozen dessert industry after expanding their dairy section.

Although many Western companies have set up shop in Russia, there’s something about Russian ice cream that tastes so special. One thing is known - Russian ice cream is most usually more creamy than ice creams enjoyed in the West, where it's made with a greater ratio of ice to dairy. Here only natural, fresh milk is used, coming directly from the company's own farms in the Moscow region. With the tumultuous times of the last century and the new competition from Western brands, the trusted Russian ice cream is still here and is as tasty as ever. And although technology changes and companies come and go - Russians' love for Morozhenoe is a noted aspect of Russian culture, and as an affordable luxury loved by millions - it's as popular today as it’s always been.

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