We have already made galleries showing how Moscow and St. Petersburg were viewed by famous Russian artists. But what about the provinces? / Hay-mowing, Alexei Vinetsianov, 1820s.
Alexei VinetsianovIn the 19th and 20th centuries living close to nature was tough. Artists depicted wooden houses, bountiful nature, evening tea-drinking on the terrace, hard labor, harvesting, vast valleys, and merry flamboyant celebrations and traditions that live on to this day in the beautiful and unique Russian village. / On the boat in Abramtsevo, Vasiliy Polenov, 1880.
Vasilyi PolenovA village street, Fedyor Vasiliev, 1868.
Fedyor VasilievA village wedding in the Tambov province, Andrei Ryabushkin, 1880.
Andrei RyabushkinIn summer, Valentin Serov, 1895.
Valentin SerovRural holiday. Tver governorate, Konstantin Yuon, 1910.
Konstantin YounIn the meadow, Zinaida Serebryakova, 1912.
Zinaida SerebryakovaVillage friends, Nikolai Bogdanov Belsky, 1912.
Nikolai Bogdanov-BelskyA horse-drawn troika in Uglich, Konstantin Youn, 1913.
Konstantin YounTeacher's birthday, Nikolai Bogdanov Belsky, c. 1920.
Nikolai Bogdanov-BelskySummer province, Boris Kustodiev, 1922.
Boris KustodievAutumn in the province, Boris Kustodiev, 1926.
Boris KustodievAll rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
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