When you visit Russia, one of the first places you want to go is a restaurant. There is no restaurant without vodka, so RBTH collected five scenes from Soviet movies, where people order (or do not order) this much-loved beverage.
1. If you look at this character, it is better to order as much as possible. (‘Give me a complaints book’, 1964)
- Would you like some vodka? (Водочки?)
- 4 half-liter bottles. (Четыре поллитровочки.)
- Some beer? (Пиво?)
- 9 bottles. (Девять бутылочек.)
- Of course, you would like some cheese with it? (Сырку, конечно, к нему?)
- With "tears". (Со "слезой".)
2. There are drinking traditions in Russia, but one must always follow his personal instincts. (‘Queen of the petrol station’, 1962)
- Can I have 100 grams twice in one glass? (Мне два по сто и в одну посуду.)
- It's against regulations to use one glass. (В одну посудину не положено по инструкции.)
- And one pickle, please! (И огурчик.)
3. It doesn't always end up in vodka. Choose some champagne for a change. (‘The Diamond Arm’, 1969)
- Is this wildfowl? (Это дичь?)
- It’s wildfowl! (Дичь!)
- You don't drink vodka with wildfowl. (А под дичь водку не пьют.)
- What then? (А что?)
- We should drink... (Пьют это...)
- I get it! I get it! Fedya, 150 ml of champagne and that's all! (Понял! Понял! Федя, еще по 150 шампанского и все!)
4. Never order just vodka, buy some appetizers. (‘The Twelve Chairs’, 1976)
- Give us these sausages for 1 Ruble 20 kopecks and a bottle of vodka! That's all! (Дайте нам сосиски, вот эти вот, за рубль двадцать, бутылку водки, и все!)
5. If prices scare you, dance or drink some vodka. (‘Come back tomorrow’, 1962)
- What are these numbers? (А что это тут за цифры?)
- These are prices. (Это цены.)
- Prices? Let's get out of here! (Цены? Пойдемте отсюда!)
- Let's dance, Frosya! (Пойдем танцевать, Фрося!)
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