Futuristic Russian tram will never make the tracks

Prototype of a tram “R1” (Russia One)

Prototype of a tram “R1” (Russia One)

Global Look Press
No buyers came forward for streetcar designed by Rostec and nicknamed the ‘iPhone on wheels.’

A futuristically designed streetcar called “R1” (Russia One) will never appear on  the country’s streets, after state corporation Rostec - which made the tram - failed to find a willing buyer.

First unveiled at the annual International Industrial Trade Fair INNOPROM in 2014, the streetcar was nicknamed the “iPhone on rails” and “Batmobile.”

Streetcar was nicknamed the “iPhone on rails” and “Batmobile.”

“The project didn’t find any customers,” said Director for Special Commissions at Rostec Vasily Brovko. “R1 is certainly very beautiful. Everybody liked R1 and it generated hype, but it never made it to the market - and it never will. Firstly, there’s no bogie, and secondly the tram is not easily repaired. If someone had broken something it was completely unclear how you were supposed to order a replacement part, and how long you’d have to wait.”


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