10 classic Russian paintings depicting dogs

Hunting dogs, greyhounds of the Imperial court, jolly mongrels and ladies’ best companions – Russian artists loved canines.

1. 'Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova'. Valentin Serov. 1902.

2. 'Portrait of Irina Kustodiev with the dog Shumka'. Boris Kustodiev. 1907.

3. 'Catherine the Great taking a walk in the park of Tsarskoye Selo.' Vladimir L.Borovikovsky. 1796.

4. 'Portrait of Chaliapin'. Boris Kustodiev. 1921.

5. 'Horsewoman'. Karl Brullov. 1832.

6. 'Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Petrovna Riding to Hounds'. Valentin Serov. 1900.

7. 'Troika. Apprentices Fetch Water'. Vasily Perov. 1866.

8. 'Sleeping Young Woman in Park'. Konstantin Somov. 1922.

9. 'Dogs on the harbor. From the album "Journey to Turkey"'. Mikhail Larionov. 1928.

10. 'Grade D, Again!' Fyodor Reshetnikov. 1952.