Russuan classes: Introduce yourself with the help of these Russian geniuses

Leo Tolstoy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Peter Tchaikovsky and Sergei Korolev are here to teach you some phrases!


Today we will learn how to introduce ourselves. That’s easy: we use only two constructions: “меня зовут [name]” , followed by “я [profession]”.

In English, there’s the verb “to be”, but in present tense in Russian, it gets omitted. Instead of saying "Я являюсь учителем" or "я есть учитель" we say just "я учитель" - or literally, "I teacher". 

See how simple that was? Russian is not as hard as people think. To finish the conversation, don’t forget to be polite and say "Приятно познакомиться!".

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