Astrakhan in 3 Russian words

Astrakhan is not only one of the oldest and largest cities in the south of Russia, but also the main southern sea gate of the country. Here are three of its main symbols.

1. АРБУЗ (Watermelon)

Astrakhan is Russia’s watermelon capital! They grow there since time immemorial. Today, in addition to the classic ones with red flesh, you can try juicy and sweet watermelons with yellow, orange, white and even green flesh!

2. СОБОР СВЯТОГО ВЛАДИМИРА (St. Vladimir's Cathedral)

This Cathedral, founded at the end of the 19th century, had to endure a lot. During the Civil War, it was almost destroyed and, later, was turned into a bus terminal. Today, it is operating again and is one of the city’s calling cards.

3. ОСЕТР (Sturgeon)

Sturgeon was once found in huge quantities in Astrakhan and, in difficult times, often saved the local residents from starvation. It also ended up on the festive tables of Russian tsars. Today, the city even erected a monument to the “breadwinner” fish.