Russian songs translated: ‘Black Eyes’ (Sing with us!)

Kira Lisitskaya
That very same late 19th century Russian romance song that is famous around the world!

It was first performed in the 1880s in the Moscow Yar restaurant, where all the great writers and artists used to hang out. This passionate tale of romance is best known as performed by opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. In Soviet times, Vladimir Vysotsky sang his own version, while, in modern times, many singers, from Joseph Kobson to Dmitry Khvorostovsky, have tried their hand on it.

‘Очи черные’ – ‘Black Eyes’

Очи черные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные!

Как люблю я вас! Как боюсь я вас!

Знать, увидел вас я не в добрый час!

Black eyes, burning eyes,

Passionate and beautiful eyes!

How I love you! How I fear you!

I must have seen you at a bad time!

Очи черные, жгуче пламенны!

И манят они в страны дальние,

Где царит любовь, где царит покой,

Где страданья нет, где вражде запрет!

Black eyes, flaming fiery!

And they beckon to distant lands,

Where love reigns, where peace reigns,

Where there is no suffering, where enmity is forbidden!


Не встречал бы вас, не страдал бы так,

Я прожил бы жизнь улыбаючись.

Вы сгубили меня, очи черные,

Унесли навек мое счастие.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have suffered so much,

I'd have lived my life with a smile on my face.

You've ruined me, black eyes,

You've taken away my happiness forever.

Очи черные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные.

Вы сгубили меня, очи страстные,

Унесли навек мое счастие...

Black eyes, fiery eyes,

Passionate and beautiful eyes!

You've ruined me, black eyes,

You've taken away my happiness forever.

Очи черные, очи жгучие,

Очи страстные и прекрасные!

Как люблю я вас! Как боюсь я вас!

Знать, увидел вас я не в добрый час!

Black eyes, burning eyes,

Passionate and beautiful eyes!

How I love you! How I fear you!

It must be that I saw you at an unlucky hour!

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