Russian songs translated: ‘Cuckoo’ (Sing with us)

Kira Lisitskaya
Russians like to count how many years they have left to live when they hear a cuckoo in the forest. One of the last songs by the legendary Soviet rock singer Viktor Tsoi is about this fatalism and openness to a difficult fate.

This philosophical composition was released by rock band ‘KINO’ on their eighth and final album in 1990, but it was composed by its lead singer, Viktor Tsoi, a year earlier and was one of his last songs before he died in a car accident. 

The song became so popular that it was remixed and covered by many other bands and musicians. And it is still constantly performed at various concerts by top Russian singer Polina Gagarina (2015 Eurovision participant).

‘Кукушка’ – ‘Cuckoo’

Песен, ещё ненаписанных, сколько?
Скажи, кукушка, пропой
В городе мне жить или на выселках?
Камнем лежать
Или гореть звездой, звездой?

How many songs are yet to be written?
Tell me, cuckoo, sing
Shall I live in the city or on the outskirts?
Lie down like a stone
Or shine like a star, a star?



Солнце моё, взгляни на меня
Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак
И если есть порох, дай огня
Вот так

My sun, look at me.
My palm has turned into a fist.
And if there's gunpowder, give me fire
Like this


Кто пойдёт по следу одинокому?
Сильные да смелые
Головы сложили в поле, в бою
Мало, кто остался в светлой памяти
В трезвом уме да с твёрдой
Рукой в строю, в строю

Who will follow the lonely trail?
The strong and the brave
Laid down their heads in the field, in battle.
Few remain in bright memory,
Sober in mind and with a firm
Hand in the ranks, in the ranks.



Солнце моё, взгляни на меня
Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак
И если есть порох, дай огня
Вот так

My sun, look at me.
My palm has turned into a fist.
And if there's gunpowder, give me fire
Like this


Где же ты теперь, воля вольная?
С кем же ты сейчас
Ласковый рассвет встречаешь, ответь
Хорошо с тобой, да плохо без тебя
Голову да плечи
Терпеливые под плеть, под плеть

Where are you now, free will?
With whom are you now
Meet the gentle dawn, answer me.
It's good with you, but bad without you.
Head and shoulders
Patient under the whip, under the whip.



Солнце моё, взгляни на меня
Моя ладонь превратилась в кулак
И если есть порох, дай огня
Вот так

My sun, look at me.
My palm has turned into a fist.
And if there's gunpowder, give me fire
Like this

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