Before the revolution, when there was huge class diversity in Russia, men’s appearance varied enormously. Peasants, merchants, nobles, soldiers — here's how they all looked in the last years of the Russian Empire:
I. Ivanov/МАММ/МDF/
Unknown author/МАММ/МDF/
Photo from the archive of Igor Cheradionov/
Maxim Dmitriev/Audiovisual documentation archive of Nizhny Novgorod Region
St Petersburg State Museum of Theater and Musical Art/
With the coming of Soviet power, nobles were stripped of their titles and fortunes. Then came the devastating Civil War and the Red Terror, followed by the short-lived New Economic Policy and relative freedom. During this time, there were lots of military men everywhere (in tunics without shoulder straps, since titles had been scrapped), as well as fancily dressed creatives.
Unknown author/МАММ/МDF/
Moisey Nappelbaum/МАММ/МDF/
State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals/
Andre Kertes/Russian State Archive of Literature and Art/
Mikhail Smodor/Kostromskaya Starina/
Unknown author/МАММ/МDF/
When Stalin came to power, collectivization and industrialization quickly gathered momentum, as did the Gulag camp system, one of the most tragic episodes in Soviet history. Photographers were sent to large Soviet construction sites to chronicle the “idyllic” lives of workers and collective farmers.
Anatoly Skurikhin/МАММ/МDF/
Evgeny Khaldey/МАММ/МDF/
Ivan Shagin/МАММ/МDF/
Poet David Samoilov added the epithet rokovyie (“fatal”) to the word sorokoviye (“forties”), since in Russian they differ by just one syllable. It was a time of war, ongoing purges, hunger, evacuations, and inhuman living conditions. As for menswear, it consisted of military uniforms, greatcoats, and quilted jackets.
Arkady Shaikhet/МАММ/МDF/
Arkady Shaikhet/МАММ/МDF/
Evgeny Khaldey/МАММ/МDF/
Evgeny Khaldey/МАММ/МDF/
Boris Fabisovich/MAMM/MDF/
In the post-war 1950s, life slowly returned to normal; military overcoats were replaced by austere suits. Men returned to civilian professions, including farming the land and exploring far-flung corners of the Soviet Union.
Archive of Alina Bashmakova/
Semyon Fridlyand/MAMM/MDF/
Alexey Gostev/MAMM/MDF/
Sergey Vasin/MAMM/MDF/
Valentin Khukhlaev/Archive of Valentin Khukhlaev/
The 1960s are invariably associated with the “Khrushchev thaw” after the harsh Stalinist regime: students, samizdat (self-publication of banned literature), smiles, and renewed construction of apartment blocks.
Vsevolod Tarasevich/MAMM/MDF/
Vsevolod Tarasevich/MAMM/MDF/
Vsevolod Tarasevich/MAMM/MDF/
Oleg Mertsedin/MAMM/MDF/
Archive of Olga Shitova-Belova/
The 1970s saw the arrival of trendy fops, bell-bottomed trousers, outlandish hairstyles, as well as cult Soviet films.
Photo from the archive of Maria Deryabina/
Kaskad Media Holding/
Mikhail Dashevsky/
Today’s 40+ generation is nostalgic about the 1980s, because it was their time! The Moscow Olympics, the first taste of freedom, hippies, oversized glasses, rock, and Freddie Mercury mustaches!
Vladimir Vyatkin/MAMM/MDF/
Sergey Rumyantsev/MAMM/MDF/
Igor Mukhin/MAMM/MDF/
Sergey Borisov/MAMM/MDF/
Sergey Borisov/MAMM/MDF/
The 1990s saw perhaps the most radical changes of all: the collapse of the Soviet Union, the birth of a new country, and the opening up to the West. It was a time of snow-washed jeans and bold experiments, including fashion-wise.
Dmitry Donskoy/MAMM/MDF/
Yuri Abramochkin/Archive of Yuri Abramochkin
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