Rare PHOTOS of Russia’s last tsar Nicholas II

The art of photography was developing fast during his times, so we are lucky to see lots of images of the Emperor, both official and from everyday life.

Young Prince Nicholas 

In a Cossack uniform of his Lifeguard Escort

During a big Asian tour, pictured in Siam

Read more: How Nicholas II almost got killed in Japan

Usually pictured in uniform, here’s a rare image of the tsar in a suit.

Reading the St. Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper.

Nicholas, his wife Alexandra and their eldest daughter Olga.

Boating with daughters and wife Alix.

Hanging out with friends and family in Germany.

Taking a selfie in a mirror.

Wearing Tsar Alexis of Russia’s 17th century costume at a fancy dress ball.

After four daughters, with the long awaited son, Alexey.

With Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaievich of Russia aboard the ‘Polar Star’ Imperial yacht.

Driving his Mercedes.

Nicholas II was also a passionate hunter.

Pictured with German Kaiser Wilhelm II.

And another photo with Kaiser.

Welcoming the military parade.

Having fun with the family.

Aboard his own train.

On a tour of Sevastopol, Crimea.

On a bike ride with friends (second from left).

With his cousin, future British King George V.

Pictured with his wife Alix and her grandmother, Queen Victoria of the UK.

Having fun with his relative, a Greek Prince.

Playing his favorite sport tennis with friends.

In Italy, meeting King Victor Emmanuel III.

Building a snow castle.

With wife Alix awaiting their fate after the 1917 Revolution.

Preparing fire wood with son Alexei in exile.

Just a few months before his death. Nikolai Romanov under guard after his throne abdication.

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