Top 10 Russia Beyond videos of 2017

Shortly before the end of 2017, Russia Beyond presents 10 of its most popular videos from this year.

1) This dangerous saber dance is a popular hobby for Cossack women, and there are even official competitions in Russia!

2) These missiles are designed specifically for nuclear-powered submarines

3) Can you guess the price of this Russian-made ATV?

4) Red Bull in Moscow. The main mission of this festival is to launch a home-made human-powered machine off a pier, and try to deceive gravity 

5) The Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia's sole aircraft carrier, can carry up to 50 military jets and helicopters

6) A cat that can do push-ups? Only in Russia

7) Supermen exist. And even President Putin sometimes has to listen to them.

8) What do you get if you cross San Francisco with snow? Vladivostok 

9) During the 1950s and 60s, both the United States and the Soviet Union conducted a number of so-called peaceful nuclear explosions. We found archive footage of one such test in the USSR.

10) Check out one of the most powerful anti-aircraft missile systems in the world - the S-300!