10 bizarre New Year trees you can find only in Russia

If you’re still looking for a non-traditional way to decorate your home, just take a peek at how Russians do it. Father Frost approves!

10. A Xmas tree made from led lamps, Krasnodar (South Russia)

9. Creative Siberian trees made from… Siberian trees?

8. One way to do your Xmas shopping.

7. At least it’s green (almost).

6. Repair works in the apartment are no reason to forget about the holiday.

5. When the wine rack’s empty...

4. No need to throw the corks away.

3. If you have too many jars…

2. A super convenient “tree” in Suzdal: the buckets can be used anytime.

1. How do you like this Xmas tree in Russia’s Far East? Merry Fishmas!

Do you know how to make a classic Russian style New Year dinner? Check this list of festive dishes and don’t forget to ring in the New Year like a Russian!