Did the fall of ruble push Russians to buy more cats?

What better way to help soothe money troubles than by stroking a purring furry friend...

There has been one upside to the decline of ruble (which tanked on April 9 -10): Russians bought more cats. Although no one seems to know why.

According to Russian ad service Yula, people's interest in buying a furry companion grew as their currency lost value.

"The peak of sales occurred on Tuesday, April 10, which was an increase of 3.6 times compared to Tuesday, April 3. On Monday, April 9, the sales increased by 213 percent compared to April 2," the service told Lenta.ru.

Overall, during these two days, the number of deals and online searches for buying cats grew by almost four times compared to the previous week.

According to Yula, Russians searched for popular breeds including Scottish Fold (40 percent), British Shorthair (26 percent) and Main Coon (8 percent).

Do you know which cats are native to Russia? Check them out here