One of the world’s BIGGEST Chinese parks opens in Moscow (PHOTOS)

Traditional Chinese pavilions, arches, bridges and lanterns can now be found in the Russian capital.

The Huaming Landscape Park opened in early May just a short distance from the Botanichesky Sad (Botanical Garden) metro station, near the business center of the same name.

The park covers more than 5.2 hectares, making it one of the largest Chinese-style parks outside of China (and the largest in Europe). The idea dates back to the early 2000s, but has only been realized now. 

The park's architecture consists of three zones: traditional pavilions with a pond at the center,  pedestrian parts with wooden paths in the forest, and a utility part.

At the entrance, visitors pass through an archway with lanterns and mystical creatures from Chinese legends.

Not far from the main entrance is a monument to the Chinese philosopher Confucius. There are several cozy gazebos and a pavilion where tea ceremonies and other events can be held. 

All the objects bear poetic Chinese names: Linglong Pond is “the pond of refinement”, Ziyun Arch is the “arch of the purple cloud”, Basian Bridge is the “bridge of eight celestials”, and so on.

The most attractive photo area is around the artificial pond with willows, which literally makes you  feel like you’re in China!

Have you ever been to a park like this?

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