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Do you think a fluffy scarf would only be found in your grandma’s wardrobe? We strongly disagree! Try one on with your modern clothes - you’ll see how laconically it’ll fit with any classical dress or even a pair of jeans.
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If your home is not yet decorated with a “horseshoe for good luck”, you simply must visit the town of Sviyazhsk, where some of the best blacksmiths in the country have been working for centuries!
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Bom-Bom! The fame of the small town of Tutaev, Yaroslavl Region, goes far beyond Russia. It is here that the most sonorous bells are cast, which can also be heard in Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Georgia and other countries.
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The sound of wooden bobbins, the interweaving of dozens of threads and the barely perceptible dance of hands - it’s impossible to take your eyes off!
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What is the best souvenir to bring back from your trip? If we are talking about Ingushetia, then definitely felt carpets, which have been made here for hundreds of years.
Paint a Dymkovo toy
Learn how one of the most famous products of Russian folk art is created: from sculpting and baking to the painstaking work of a craftswoman with a brush and gold leaves.
Отточить мастерство городецкой росписи
Ready to become a master? The small and cozy Gorodets (“little city”) - or Gorod Masterov (“the city of craftsmen”) - will welcome anybody wishing to get acquainted with old Russian craftsmanship.
Have you ever thought that the engraved family salad bowl full of Olivier salad, the steamy jug of berry mors (juice drink) on the summer table or the flower vase with a bouquet of flowers shimmering in the sun, aren’t simply elements of hereditary Soviet life in many of our homes, but real works of art - fruits of painstaking labor by craftsmen spending countless years honing their craft and only a small part of a massive crystal collection?