Kirov in 3 Russian words

Kirov, formerly known as Vyatka, is a major industrial, transport and cultural center in Russia. Here are three of its main symbols.

1. КВАС (Kvass)

This soft drink became famous in 2014, thanks to a Vladimir Putin press conference. A Kirov journalist told the president about the region’s kvass, which "beats Coca-Cola in taste and price". Since then, it has not only grown to even more popularity in Russia, but is also actively exported to other countries.

2. СТИРАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА (Washing machine)

Every Soviet housewife dreamed of owning a 'Vyatka-automatic' washing machine. It provided a fully automatic washing cycle. It’s true, however, that it consumed a colossal amount of water and electricity.


These wonderful toys have been made in Kirov since the 18th century. They are made of special locally sourced red clay and are distinguished by their bright colors and beautiful patterns.