How to organize an unforgettable kids party in Moscow

Getting loads of screaming kids together doesn’t have to be stressful...

Is your kid's birthday coming up? Want to make a special event they’ll never forget? In Moscow, it’s easy.

How to find a party venue

If you’re planning on inviting lots of guests, it’s better to choose somewhere outdoors as it’s a good idea to have as much space as possible for games. In Moscow, there are many places where children of different ages will be entertained for hours on end. Usually, they are located in large shopping malls. For example, Kidzania (CSKA metro station) offers your kids adventurous quests and the chance to try different professions, from being a chef to a secret agent. And of course, the children will be fed with a delicious lunch and a huge cake. While the kids are having fun, the parents can spend time at the mall or in the Kidzania restaurant. The price of the event starts from 10,000 rubles ($150). You can book the place out 10 days in advance. Kidzania’s party organizers speak different languages, including English, Italian, Spain, so they regularly organize parties for kids who don’t know Russian.

Similar programs await you in Kidburg (Avtozavodskaya and Lubyanka metro stations). Here kids are entertained by the staff and more than 20 thematic programs ("Mystery of the Pharaohs"; "Back to the Future"; and others). The cost of one and a half-hour party starts from 14,000 rubles ($215). 

The Materslavl children center is located near Moscow City (Vystavochnaya metro station), where kids try different professions and earn special money (to spend on real entertainment). The cost of the program starts from 5,000 rubles ($80). They organize kids event mostly in Russian, but can find English-speaking staff.  

Parents who have organized holidays there recommend doing it either on weekdays or on weekends in the morning, when it’s less busy.

House party

Your apartment or dacha is always good for a small party. In Moscow, it’s better to invite guests in advance, at least a couple of weeks before the event. Instead of gourmet dishes you can prepare finger food - different snacks like mini burgers, mini pizzas, breadsticks, sliced carrots, and apples. Also, don’t forget to prepare small gifts for guests at the end of the party (sweets or toys). As for activities, children like treasure hunts and other active games. But remember, it's hard for them to concentrate for more than 20 minutes or so (depending on their age), so maybe it's better to invite a clown or entertainer while you're busy sorting out the food, etc.

How to find a kids’ entertainer in Moscow

Even if you have beautiful decorations and exotic desserts, without some sort of party program there’s a danger the children will just sit in the corners glued to their smartphones. But an experienced entertainer can really spark life into a party. Where to find one? The best option is to ask contacts from other parents, event agencies, or professional social media. Bear in mind that if you invite more than 10 children, whoever you hire might need an assistant. One hour of his/her work in Moscow costs about 4,000 rubles ($60)

Is it worth outsourcing a party?

In Moscow, there are many event agencies that organize children's parties (check these companies: Mini-ClubVesnushka, Kid-Prazdnik). If you’re planning a big party, the cost of their services will probably not be more expensive than doing it yourself. Firstly, they have agreements with many venues so the rent will be cheaper. Secondly, they buy decorations at wholesale prices (for example, balloons or garlands). Thirdly, they have time-tested scenarios for parties (and they adapt them or come up with new ones especially for you). And of course, they invite a team of professional entertainers who will make sure the kids are having fun. The price starts from 10,000 rubles ($150). According to the Mini-Club event agency, they organize children’s parties in English at least once a month.In their event agency, the price for  English-speaking staff is also about 4,000 rubles ($60) for one hour.

Do you know how much Russian parents spend on their children?