
Source: Iimages / 123RF.COM

Source: Iimages / 123RF.COM

In this episode of Ruspod Shorts, we’ll talk about colors and the surprising second meaning of them in the Russian language.

As the trees in Moscow are changing their color, we decided to talk about colors and the surprising second (and third!) meanings of them in the Russian language. What's the difference between a "light-blue" and a "dark-blue" person? Why is Red Square called Red? How is "black" controversial? Find out in this episode of Ruspod Shorts.

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голубой [gah-looh-BOY] — light-blue

синий [SEE-neey] — dark-blue

синяк [see-NYAHK] — a bruise

зелёный [zye-LYOH-nyi] — green

жёлтый [ZHOHL-tyi] — yellow

красный [KRAHS-nyi] — red

красивый [krah-SEE-vyi] — beautiful

белый [BYEH-lyi] — white

чёрный [CHYOHR-nyi] — black

оранжевый [oh-RAHN-zheh-vyi] — orange

апельсин [ah-pyel'-SEEN] — an orange

розовый [ROH-zah-vyi] — pink

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