Source: Press photo
Durov, the founder and former CEO of Vkontakte (often referred to as the Russian Facebook), the country’s largest social network, as well as the creator of the messenger Telegram, is one of the country’s most eligible bachelors. However, women vying to win the heart of this young millionaire, will have to try extra hard. Durov is rather skeptical of the institution of marriage and spends little time courting women. In his words, “marriage is a clerical-feudal instrument of suppression of the personality that is aimed at integrating a person in the system.”
In 2014 Durov fled Russia after selling his shares in the company Vkontakte. He hasn’t disclosed his current place of residence and supposedly travels a lot for work.
Source: Kommersant
Sachkov is the founder of Group-IB, one of the most influential detective agencies in the cybercrime investigation market. Major banks, mining and oil companies are among the company’s customers.
Despite the fact that Sachkov works long hours, he supposedly is trying to devote more time to his personal life. He has a girlfriend, with whom he has a “long-distance relationship” because she hasn’t lived in Russia for a long time.
Source: Press photo
Gladkoborodov’s list of achievements includes the websites “Look At Me” and “Theory and Practice.” Anton’s latest internet project Coub, launched three years ago, was an enormous hit in Russia. In summer 2014 Coub opened an office in New York and from there it began its global expansion.
Gladkoborodov keeps his personal life private. He is fond of sports and the “Star Wars” movies.
Source: Press photo
Kalinov is the founder of, the biggest airfare meta-search engine in Russia
However, it wasn’t Aviasales that put Kalinov on the map. In the late 1990s he took his first steps into the business world with the launch of an erotic website that eventually turned into the hosting provider UPL Telecom.
Kalinov is divorced and apparently isn’t intent on remarrying. Not long ago he posted on his Facebook page, “Yesterday was eight years from the date that I unsuccessfully got married. Dude, trust me, most women don't pretend to be fools, they are.” Such public thoughts will likely deter too many women from coming his way.
Voinov is one of the designers of the popular puzzle game for smartphones, “Cut the Rope.” In the few years of its existence, the game has been downloaded 750 million times and has brought its creators considerable income. Fifty million people around the world play Cut the Rope every month.
Voinov keeps doesn’t speak much about his private life. He isn’t married and in his spare time he attends hockey games.
Semyon is the twin brother of Efim Voinov and the co-designer of the Cut The Rope game.
Both Efim and Semyon shun publicity. Little is known about his personal life, although it is known that he is not married and that he spends a lot of time at work. Much like his brother he loves hockey.
Saraikan owns i’way, a company that provides transfers in 105 countries worldwide - from the airport, train or bus stations, or for traveling around town or between cities. Corporate customers are the company’s major clients. In 2015 the company's turnover amounted to 700 million rubles (about $10.5 million).
Saraikan is not married but he has a girlfriend, with whom he has a meaningful relationship.
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