Three hundred sculptures in the open air, 3,000 paintings in the gallery - and all of them are created with great love in the ‘Legend’ sculpture park by artists from all over the world.
Вдохновиться музыкой степей и гор
If you visit Tuva in time for the summer festival of cattle breeders Naadym (its date is determined by the lunar calendar and changes every year), in addition to witnessing spectacular horse races, you will definitely hear the famous throat singing and enjoy the unusual, but delightful sound of the Tuvan instruments.
Поохотиться на стрит-арт
Look around! See the horse in shades of fire blazing excitedly at the end of the house? And nearby, a sly fox trying to steal berries and run away? Well, we’re in Ekaterinburg and it’s time to go hunting for street art!
Замечтаться о балете
The Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater has become the hallmark of the city and a real architectural gem.
Заблудиться в заколдованном лесу в Рязанской области
There is a real fairy tale forest near Ryazan! Here, at the Trubin family homestead in Deulino, not only people live, but also magical creatures: wild animals, fantastic creatures, angels, devils, firebirds and witches and, of course, dragons.
Остаться на картине
It is simply impossible to follow the paths of Isaac Levitan and not become involved in the art of painting!
“To Kudykina mountain!” is how people answered the question: “Where are you going?” So as not to frighten off luck, but, today, this phrase is used to invite tourists to the main family vacation spot in Lipetsk Region.